Support your local foodbank with BanktheFood
13 May 2023
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Newquay Foodbank has partnered with BanktheFood, an innovative, free, and easy to use app that allows you to keep updated on the needs of the foodbank within your local community and ensure your donations give the foodbank what it needs, when it needs it.
At any given time, foodbanks across the UK have a surplus of some items and a dire lack of others, as donations are often not matched to the changing needs of the people they serve. BanktheFood aims to change that by linking foodbanks to their local communities in real time, allowing anyone wanting to donate to understand the current need within their local area.
The app allows you to be kept up to date on what items are urgently required, see local donation points, and – if you choose to – get notifications detailing urgently needed items when you are in supermarket with a donation point.
No registration is required to use the app, and users can opt in or out of the location tracking functionality at any time.
To get started, simply download the BanktheFood app from one of the following locations: Apple App Store, Google Play, enter your post code, or allow the app to access your location settings, and click on the ‘follow’ button under Newquay.