Newquay Towan Blystra Lions get behind our Christmas Box Appeal
21 November 2022
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We shouldn’t have been surprised when The Newquay Towan Blystra Lions told us they were going to support our Christmas Box Appeal. After all, they had already demonstrated their incredible generosity earlier this year, when they donated £500 worth of shopping!
Christmas is meant to be a time of joy and celebration but for families experiencing financial crisis it can be a time of heart-ache and pain. No parent wants to see their child go without at Christmas but many simply won’t have a choice. Tragically, desperate parents may resort to high-interest short-term loans which they cannot afford to pay back, creating even more difficulty; but what would you do if there was nothing under the tree?
Our Christmas Box Appeal looks to ensure that every family in Newquay gets to sit down to a proper meal on Christmas day. They include a butcher’s meat voucher, hearty veggies, a delicious Christmas pudding, plus chocolates and treats. We are also raising money to provide gifts for children.
The Blystra Lions got our appeal off to a great start this year with a very generous donation of £500. Lions Club President Jill Bunt said:
“We have contributed to Newquay Foodbank previously and have seen, first hand, the hard work the volunteers put in to help provide for other members of the community. These Xmas boxes are especially important as they provide something over and above what might be afforded, expected or anticipated by families, especially those with children, at this special time of the year. We hope that our contribution helps bring some enjoyment and comfort during difficult times and look forward to being able to continue our support for Newquay Foodbank’s initiatives in the future.”
We would like to say a huge thank you to the Blystra Lions and all their members. If you would like to support our Christmas Box Appeal you can donate here.